There is a surprisingly large number of unusual sports that involve beer in some way or another.
In addition to those listed below, the idea for many unusual sports have been created while drinking at a pub, and many beers have been consumed prior to taking part in many of the unusual sports listed on this site.
Drinking Games
- Beer Pong — Players throw a ping pong ball across a table to try and land the ball in a cup of beer at the other end.
- Beer sculling — get it down as fast as you can
Drinking an Exercise
- Real Ale Wobble and Ramble — as part of the Annual Mid Wales Beer Festival, walkers or cyclists travel the Welsh countryside, with free beer provided at checkpoints.
- Beer Mile — Run a mile as fast as you can, drinking a beer before each lap.
- Kastenlauf — this translates as beer crate running. Participants carry and consume a crate of beer during a 10km race.
- The Oxenhope Straw Race was started by two men who made a bet about racing from one pub to the next carrying a bale of straw. The race requires the consumption of a pint of beer at each stop.
Links to Beer
- The Darwin Beer Can Regatta is a race using boats are made out of empty aluminum cans, traditionally beer cans.
Beer Prizes
- The Finnish Wife Carrying Festival includes a prize to the winner of their wife's weight in beer!
Related Pages
- Photos from the 2008 Darwin Beer Can Regatta
- More unusual sports
- Videos of unusual sports