There is a long history of female tennis players thinking they can compete with the men, and finding out that it is not as easy as they think. There have been several high profile tennis matches between men and women, and despite the men generally getting the upper hand in these matches, there are some who still think that the best women in the world could be competitive against the men. Let's look at some of these matches.
Tilden v Lenglen
Two of the greats of the 1920's are said to have played a match, with Will Tilden beating Suzanne Lenglen to love in a couple of sets.
Phil Neer v Helen Wills Moody
A dominant player from the 1920s and 30s, Helen Wills Moody routinely practiced against men. On January 28, 1933, she played her friend and occasional mixed doubles partner Phil Neer in an exhibition match in San Francisco, beating him in straight sets, 6–3, 6–4. Neer was the eighth-ranked American male player at the time, and Moody was the reigning Wimbledon champion.
Bobby Riggs v Margaret Court
Probably the most famous tennis battle of the sexes took place in 1973, between Bobby Riggs, winner of the Wimbledon men's singles title in 1939, who was aged 55 and still playing some tennis in 1973 but was well past his prime. He defeated female player Margaret Court in a match on Mother's Day 1973, the score 6-2. 6-1. Court had achieved the Grand Slam in 1970, so was at her peak.

Bobby Riggs v Billie Jean King
Immediately after Bobby Riggs had beaten Margaret Court, he challenged the current women's champion Billie Jean King. The match against King was highly hyped in an endless series of press conferences and feature articles, with King becoming the poster child for the entire women's liberation movement. The match was held on September 20, 1973, with King easily beating Riggs in straight sets, 6-4, 6-3, 6-3. What point does this make, a female champion of the day beating an old guy well past his prime?
Jimmy Connors v Martina Navratilova
Martina Navratilova (aged 36) played a match against the retired Jimmy Connors (aged 40) on 25 September 1992 at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. Navratilova lost 7-5, 6-2, even though she was allowed two serves to Conner's one and played to the doubles court.
Karsten Braasch v the Williams Sisters
During the 1998 Australian Open, sisters Serena and Venus Williams boasted that they could beat any man ranked outside the world's top 200. The challenge was accepted by Karsten Braasch, a German player ranked No 203 (his highest ranking was No 38). Before the matches, Braasch played a round of golf in the morning, drank a couple of beers, smoked a few cigarettes, and then played the Williams sisters for a set each, one after the other. He defeated Serena, 6-1, and Venus, 6-2. Serena said afterwards "I didn't know it would be that hard. I hit shots that would have been winners on the women's tour and he got to them easily."
In 1999 when Serena Williams was 18 and ranked 4th in the world, she re-opened the debate on whether women can compete with men in professional sport. The US Open champion believed she could take on and beat the best players in the men's game - she even applied for a wild card entry to take part in a men's singles event, the Eurocard Open, but this did not eventuate, mainly because she could not compete as she was not a man.
Yannick Noah v Justine Henin
Yannick Noah and Justine Henin played a friendly match at the Forest National in Brussels in December 2003. It was not a serious match at all - Noah wore a dress for much of the match, and played mostly trick shots and slices, but still ended up winning 4–6, 6–4, 7–6.
Andy Murray v Serena Williams
Andy Murray and Serena Williams agreed to a Battle of the Sexes match to be held in Vegas in 2013. Serena asked to play alleys (the full doubles court) and to play on clay. Unfortunately this match never eventuated.
and More ...
- When former number 1's Kim Clijsters and Lleyton Hewitt were dating, she said that she struggled to win a point off Hewitt, let alone a game.
- When female player Chris Evert-Lloyd was at her peak, she said her brother who played low-level college tennis beat her (taken from her autobiography).
- Donald Trump had tried to generate interest in a "battle of the sexes" match between John McEnroe and Serena Williams.
- In 2013 Novak Djokovic played Li Na in a novelty match in Beijing, China. Li was given a 30–0 advantage at the start of each service game. Djokovic did not take it seriously, played up to the crowd and at one point even swapped places with a ballboy. Li won 3 games to 2.
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Old Comments
Commenting is closed on this page, though you can read some previous comments below which may answer some of your questions.
- John (2013)
Men produce more testosterone than women, which contributes to muscle mass and performance improvement. That's just science. Women can be extremely good and talented, even better than most men! That being said the best of the best in sport will always be men.....Not sexist at all, just a reality. - Liz Young john (2013)
Even better than most men??? That's just idiotic. There isn't a single popular sport that women would ever beat men. Tennis - NO, Football - NO, Basketball - NO, Baseball - NO, Skiing - NO, Cycling - NO. The only sport that women have a chance at competing in would be Billiards, Bowling, Horse Racing, and Race car driving. Anything that is 100% physical and relies on speed and strength will always be dominated by men. Absolutely NO doubt about it. - Mustakrakesh Liz Young (2013)
Do you get off on being inferior, or something? I think by better he meant overall more talented....superior talentcan take a back seat to superior strength. Please go back to the kitchen and make your husband a sandwich, I'm sure he's hungry. - Liz Young mustakrakesh (2014)
Finally got around to replying to your comment. Inferiority is a fact of life for everyone, including the top athletes of the world. Admitting your weaknesses can be a huge strength. Unlike you, I'm not living in denial and know that in many cases women aren't superior in most PHYSICAL sports. Until you can get it through your head, you will continue to waste your time trying to prove yourself to be something that you're not. Chances are you do not have a PhD. in Molecular Oncology. I'll just take myself and my medical degree to the restaurant you waitress at and wait for you to take my order. - Dan Liz Young (2014)
A PhD isn't a medical degree. - TWa Liz Young (2014)
Apparently reading comprehension was a requirement of your medical degree. John was saying that the best women in a sport would still be better than most men who tried to play it. This should be obvious. The best women's tennis players in the world are going to beat 90% of the men in the world who tried to play them in tennis, same for any other sport. Doesn't contradict the fact that the best men will beat the best women in the same sport. - Iwillnotfear Liz Young (2014)
Keep up the good work! Molecular Oncology is a really awesome field. - Daniel Liz Young (2014)
@youngliz. You missed the original point "john" was making when he said "Women can be extremely good and talented, even better than most men!"; he meant skill-wise, not strength-wise. You made yourself look really stupid by saying "Even better than most men??? That's just idiotic." You made yourself look even more stupid by naming billiards as a game that women could potentially be better than men at, because that's exactly what john was trying to say in the first place. I'm seriously disheartened if you have a medical degree and are are as dimwitted as you appear to be, and also as easily butthurt over internet comments as you appear to be. - LuisF daniel (2017)
I can believe you are just so stupid, but fact is you really are, the same as TWa and Lolicon4Life. Oh my God, sure you have some brain problems. Try some logic lessons, because your reasoning is quite bad. - LuisF Johnny (2017)
Trolling, Johnny? Poor boy. First, finish High School and later come here to make a comment. - Sphere Liz Young (2014)
Wow, you are a truly unpleasant person. Just to let you know, people who cite their advanced degrees online as proof of their correctness are not only making a rookie debating mistake, but also come off as huuuuuge douchebags, - Lolicon4Life Liz Young (2014)
I realise I'm a little late, but isn't it sort of pathetic that you feel the need to quote your qualifications in an argument? If you really are so damn smart, then how about you use that intelligence to debate instead of some unprovable PhD.
As for the debate itself, you entirely missed the point... twice. The original post said that women can be as 'talented' as men, the implication being that physical strength is the factor which is holding them back.
And uh... I has a PhD!! So yeah, I win. Totally. 'Cause that's how arguments work. - Coulombs Liz Young (2014)
Apparently maturity is not a requirement for a PhD. - Throwaway Liz Young (2014)
Ohhh Snap!! First time I see someone get destroyed in one single comment!! - Uhh Liz Young (2014)
I was with you until your last three sentences. Waving around academic titles on the internet where you have zero accountability just makes you look childish and pathetic, you should have just stopped while you were making valid points. - LuisF Liz Young (2017)
It was a substantial error that you have cited your PhD degree. But your points were and are valid. Your logic is irrefutable. Your last lines were somewhat wretched. Your original comment was solid and made with good disposition. So, I perfectly understand you were pissed with Mustakrakesh disrespectful answer: "Do you get off on being inferior, or something? ...... . Please go back to the kitchen and make your husband a sandwich, I'm sure he's hungry." No doubt, Mustakrakesh was the guilty person here, one of the many stupids in Yahoo News, and he and only he deserves your entire comment. I think that your comment was dedicated exclusively to stupid Mustakrakesh. If that is the case, I completely agree with you. - Kk Liz Young (2014)
*(you wait tables at) - Liz=tard Liz Young (2014)
Hilarious! - Kyle Jackson Liz Young (2014)
"Admitting your weaknesses can be a huge strength" I'd say your ego is your weakness, I can do this, I've got this etc... - Alan Kyle Jackson (2017)
She's entirely right. A man's greatest weakness is his facade of strength, his need to put on a mask and refuse any help. A woman's greatest strength is her facade as weakness. - Seriously Liz Young (2014)
Whoa! You are a terrible, terrible person. You AREN'T a molecular ocologist, you are fooling no one, and you AREN'T superior to waitresses regardless of what you may think. You should be ashamed of yourself and the horse you rode in on. - LuisF Seriously (2017)
Liz PhD mention was a big error. But her points were and are valid. Her logic was irrefutable. Her last lines were wretched. - JKG Liz Young (2015)
You are definitely a pathetic masochistic woman. Are you also willing to accept that men are practically superior then women in all practical aspects of society? That they are also superior in general? - LuisF JKG (2017)
JKG, you are the pathetic one. Liz didn't say that. You need first to finish High School and later you can return here. - Dave Liz Young (2014)
You do realize oncology is the study of cancer right? I doubt you're a doctor anywhere. - LuisF mustakrakesh (2017)
You are a disrespectful person. You completely deserve the somewhat wretched Liz comment. - Zahri Atan mustakrakesh (2017)
What's your point snowflake. She's right. Don't care about talents per se most people want to watch the best in sports. If you are talented and yet weak you are less watchable than someone who maybe even less talented but is strong. Talent without strength only works for something like snooker, dart and chess. Oops! those are dominated by men too. I say most people and you can continue drooling over Serena Williams. - Miglet32 mustakrakesh (2014)
It's a realistic point of view, with a massive amount of physiology to back it up. - Kazu Liz Young (2015)
I think they meant that a woman trained in a sport would be better than men that weren't. Kind of like how a woman who was trained in martial arts would be more dangerous than a man that wasn't. However, if a man and a woman of similar skill and training competed his superior strength would cause him to win. Its a matter of averages. - Dkrizle Liz Young (2014)
Actually no, women are better in many of the gymnastic events. - Bestshingles Dkrizle (2016)
Uhhh, no, just more fun to watch and more of them competing. The women do not even do the same events as the men because they lack the upper body strength to do the rings, parallel bars, pommel horse and high bar. In the events which they have in common, the men have many, many moves which the women do not perform, even a lowly level two move, press to handstand on the floor, is not performed by the women, never mind a level three move like a front lever or back lever. And then the speed and strength also come into play in the dynamic moves like Arabian somersaults, jump to hand stand, etc. I don't think any woman anywhere in the world has ever performed the iron cross, never mind piked or front lever. - Adel Morse Liz Young (2016)
_*"Anything that is 100% physical and relies on speed and strength will always be dominated by men'*_
You obviously never compared men to women in a gymnastics floor exercise lol - EJC Adel Morse (2017)
Gymnastics? Men and women share TWO of the events. And females showcase grace and a story while men showcase strength. You are comparing apples and oranges. - KiwiRob Liz Young (2015)
You can add ski jumping to that list. Female jockeys compete against men, women and men compete against each other in equestrian events. - GpRacer Liz Young (2014)
hahaha racecar-driving ... you clearly have no slight idea what you are talking about.
Women scoring points in F1 - =0
Women scoring points in 500cc/motoGP =0
Women scoring points in motocross GP =0
and on and on and on ... - KiwiRob GpRacer (2015)
I think you'll find when more women start competing they will start winning, Danica Patric has won an IRL race and had several podiums, Michelle Mouton came second in the WRC, in 85 she won the open class at Pikes Peak, the Force and Enders sisters have won NHRA events. I'm sure one day there will be a female F1 Champion. - Glow worm Liz Young (2014)
It's not a popular sport, and in general men are still stronger, but women can and have done extremely well in rock climbing. For example, the first free climb up El Capitan (a momentous achievement) was by a woman, Lynn Hill. - Derek Skyler Berry Liz Young (2017)
I think he means more from a technical stand point. If you dont have strength to back you up, than you have to get better at performing the skills. In jiu jitsu the smaller they are ussualy the more techical they are while the big boys can use their strength to get you where they want. - LifeDontWasteIt Liz Young (2017)
Yes a professional female will likely beat joe blow off the street... ie "most men". #duh - Sdfdfd Liz Young (2014)
yeah, but is Serena a man??? - Durp john (2014)
You do know there are other variables that contribute to strength and performance... relying on a hormone that is found in both males and females, but in a spectrum tend to be higher in males is just silly. If you REALLY want to get scientific then don't base a theory on one source. Silly silly. - EJC john (2017)
"Women can be extremely good and talented, even better than most men!"
Please give me a list of sports where women are better than men. Links with to support your argument too please plus names of people in question. - Scott Phillips john (2015)
This is a simple and undeniable fact. So butthurt if your personal politics don't fit with this scientific fact. Men have more testosterone, we are built for war and hunting. - Rr (2013)
Currently there are at least 10,000 male tennis players walking the
Earth who would beat Serena. While this talk is interesting it does a disservice to male players. The world record for the mile is 3:44 for
Males and 412 for females. There are so many men who can run a time in between that time time 1000s of them. - Raunak G Rr (2016)
There are few exceptions too. in 1922, Sybil Bauer,the best female backstroker beat the best male...& in 1924 too.Yes men are physically stronger generally but we cannot rule out exceptions like in this case..maybe someday we can get a female who runs faster than usain bolt or hits harder dan djokovic..nothing wrong in that the world is huge with 7 billion people..anything can happen...but yes serena can be defeated by a man far less talented & skilled than her bcoz of the man's physical strength..thats where women suffer - Mike Mitchell Raunak G (2016)
Athletics in the 1920s are not athletics in the 2010s. The top 0.01% of men in athletic sports (like swimming) will beat every woman every time. For example, the women's world record in the 100m backstroke is 58.12 seconds. The men's record is a whopping 6.27 seconds faster, at 51.85 seconds. Do you realize how massive that is? For a race only 52 seconds long, her being 6 seconds slower would be the equivalent of a 500 lap nascar race with the leader winning by 50 laps. It's not close, and any female pro athlete who thinks they can beat a male pro athlete in an athletic sport they're both elite in is out of their damn minds. - Raunak G Mike Mitchell (2016)
Athletics in the 1920s was not what it is now but men & women were still men & women back then.Sybil & few other female athletes did beat their male competitors(those men were obviously at d top).No doubt men in general have lots of physical advantages when it comes to athletic sports which v can see from most of the world records but there ARE some exceptions so saying 'any' male athlete can beat 'any' female athlete is logically wrong.'Most' would be a better word. - Mike Mitchell Raunak G (2017)
The only sport where this is the case that I can think of is hammer-throw, where the world record is actually held by a woman. (She's a mammoth of a person though, regardless of her gender). - There are other sports, but none of them are limited by physical capabilities (equestrian, bowling, maybe (though the sample size is too small to properly judge) stock car racing, and a few others). In any physically limiting sport other than hammer toss, any elite male athlete can defeat any elite female athlete in a fair match (equal age, equal distance, etc).
- Jan Erik Kollstrøm Mike Mitchell (2017)
This is not true (Men: 86.74m, Women 82,98m). And even if it had been true the men throw a hammer that weighs almost twice as much. - Raunak G Mike Mitchell (2017)
I am not talking about world records.Those get made & broken everytime. I am talking about the exception where a pro female athlete might beat a pro male athlete in a physical sport.That is rare but very much possible in this big big world (& it has happened a few times too like the Sybil bauer case).So why rule out possibilities by saying 'any'?Even god cannot predict exceptions. - Khanski Raunak G (2016)
"......maybe someday we can get a female who runs faster than usain bolt or hits harder dan djokovic." You really should study anatomy. It will cure you of unnecessary delusions. - Raunak Khanski (2016)
"Yes men are physically stronger generally but we cannot rule out exceptions like in this case"..didnt i make this statement too which quite proves my knowledge about anatomy & stuff.But do u know theres something known as "exception" too?& which more often than not goes against nature or generic rules? - Bestshingles Raunak G (2016)
Did anyone check under the hood of that race car to make sure the engine was legal? - Raunak bestshingles (2016)
It was a swimming race lol & i know what u mean. Doesnt come as a surprise as quite a lot of men are known make these statements when they want to put down the few women who have set unconventional records especially against men(especially in physical strength related or male dominated fields) & to dismiss their ability or achievement.It has almost become a boring trend now. - Ed (2013)
The williams sisters are typically arrogant who think they are tougher than they are. Any top college player could beat them and probably a lot of high school players as well. They need to grow up. - JKG ed (2015)
She would beat the average man in arm wrestling EASILY lool. - Bryonyleaman (2013)
Men are stronger, faster and generally more equipped for sports I've this. No one can change this, it's the truth. I am a girl. - ARTZY70 (2014)
When Chris Evert was in her prime, she said the top 3000 college players could beat her. Men are physically stronger, more raw power because of the way they are built. It's testosterone. Women naturally have more body fat, which has something to do with child bearing I guess. Plus why do women play only 3 sets at a slam instead of 5 like men? Women are always breaking each other's serve... it's joke. At the club level, a lower-ranked man can beat a much higher-ranked woman. I have done that myself. - Dell (2014)
Fact: Women are weaker than men. - Bestshingles Guest (2016)
It sounds interesting, but you would totally invalidate any study by having such absurd ideas as having men and women of similar stature play to make comparison. The average male is taller and heavier, selecting small and typically non athletic males to compare to unusually large and overly athletic women is not a comparison of gender based effects on performance. It is similar to a post above where they want to have the top tennis players in women's tennis play against average joes for comparison. Not science, politics, cooking the books, confirmation bias, cherry picking etc, go study some more before preaching about science and find out what it is. PS, where is your control group? - Bestshingles Guest (2016)
I only took up tennis about two years ago, and play with a bunch of women in mixed doubles that have been playing since childhood, with academies, training, clinics, scholarships, some holding WTA age group ranking as high as 38 and 43. A few are playing three, four five, even six hours a day, and they can not beat me, even though I am old, fat, out of shape with no experience, no training. Granted, I did win provincial championships in over a dozen different sport events, I am by no means a virtuoso on the tennis courts. The size and strength can not be ignored, it is there, and it is a factor. When I cross the court in .3s and smash a poached ball it is quite common to hear them say, "he is a big guy" "or he has a lot of reach", or "he sure moves fast for such a big guy", but the fact is, I'm not going to shrink to try and match weight against my opponent, so compare apples to oranges, I ain't no orange! Without my size and strength, I know I can't cover the ground like that. Same was true in hockey when i took that up, even though I could barely skate, size and strength made up for it because I was in better shape then and could outwork my opponents. Say all you want about skill, it can not be examined separate from the athletes body, it is a part of the equation. Even in the men's, the men have to exercise, eat healthy, rest, take steroids or whatever they do to get a physical advantage BTW, the main things in tennis are power and control.Hit it as fast as you want and predict where it will be all you want, but hit it out, and it's out. Close doesn't count. - Mike Mitchell Guest (2016)
You losing to women means nothing. Serena Williams would kick my but in and I would lose 6-0 6-0 without even hitting the ball once, and I've played for 10+ years. The context that matters is who is getting compared. Serena beats me and you, but Andy Murray would have 6-0 6-0'd her without even breaking a sweat. She can't hit as hard, move as fast, or change directions as swiftly as he can. - RIRO Guest (2017)
Woman hater spotted - Nemixor Guest (2014)
you have a good point there. - Mufc (2013)
girls can be just as good as boys if not better at sport - Philip mufc (2013)
Are you seriously going to make this claim? Please take a look at the world records in athletics for men and women, and the weight lifting records for men and women. The women do NOT lift as much weight as the men, even in the same weight division. For example, in the 69kg weight division, the max total weight lifted by a woman is 286 kg, while the max weight for a man is 357 kg. Is this what you consider when you claim that girls can be just as good as boys if not better?? - Jed philip (2014)
It's accurate, but not very revealing, to say that some women are better than some men at most sports. I mean, I'm pretty sure that if you picked a random healthy male aged 18-35 from the world's population, there would be a better than 50% chance that a Williams sister would beat them at tennis. - EJC Jed (2014)
Your statement is correct. However, you are just leveling the playing field by seeking out a random male.
It's men vs women.
Not the top female in her category vs an average Joe. - Pit all top 10 female tennis players against the top 10 male players. What do you think will the outcome be?
Giving females a handicap is just a testament of physical inferiority. - Unknwon mufc (2013)
How about Football did they so strong to play that sport.
How about Sumo Wrestling form Japan, did they strong to fight the Pig. - Biffa Bacon Unknwon (2014)
I love this comment. It's the craziest goddamn thing I've seen all day - Vardulon (2014)
While there's no doubt that men hit harder and faster overall, and are therefore generally better than women at tennis, this is an extremely poorly written article that does a terrible job of arguing its points.
1 - Your first example is something that may or may not have happened. I'm not expecting links to photographs, but you pointedly state that there are no details. This isn't even third hand information, making it essentially useless.
2 - It's ludicrous to call Riggs vs Court the 'most famous' battle of the sexes, and the fact that you've done so suggests that you're trying to use that match to make your overall point (even pointedly adding the word 'probably' to cover your obvious lie). This becomes absolutely clear when you then go on to characterize the Riggs vs King match as essentially 'no big deal'. This is just crazy - you use the comparatively obscure Riggs vs Court match (which only happened because King wasn't interested in playing Riggs, an old never-was) as proof that women can't compete with men (point out that she was at the top of her game), but when King absolutely crushes Riggs just a few months later, you ask - "What point does this make, a female champion of the day beating an old guy well past his prime?" Good question - what was the point that was made in the Court loss that you incorrectly tout as the most famous battle of the sexes match of them all?
3 - The Navratalova example is interesting, because you point out that Connors was retired, but don't focus on the fact that Navratalova was well past the peak of her abilities, and would retire herself just two years later. Yet based on the numbers, she still managed to put in a pretty good showing.
4 - I get that English isn't your first language, but please get a proofreader, so sentences like this - "but this did not eventuate, mainly because she could not compete as she was not a man." won't happen. - PAUL MCKEAN Vardulon (2014)
3. the author neglects to mention that most likely Riggs threw the match in order pay off some gambling debts (look it up). It was a setup from the get-go. That's why he put out the challenge.
4. Connors played the doubles lines forcing an already older/slower Connors to run excessively
5. Karsten Braasch had been drinking and was smoking a cigarette. It wasn't even a challange - Christine Donato (2014)
This is an offensive, sexist blog. I'm disgusted and appalled. - EJC Christine Donato (2014)
If I page through the Cosmo when I'm really bored I come across some pretty sexist statements (towards men) myself. However, a lot has some truth behind them. Which is the same for this post. So, tell me. I don't know this blog but something in this post offended you. I assume it's this topic. What is offensive and sexist about stating that most females on average are physically inferior to males? Which is true by the way. Or are you one of those delusional feminists that belongs in Sweden? - Tokesense EJC (2015)
Shhh! You'll hurt her feelz. - Jack EJC (2014)
I agreed with everything you were saying until you ruined it by regarding all feminists as delusional. - EJC Jack (2014)
I'm not referring to those that's trying to get equal rights. I'm talking about those guilty of misandry. - JKG EJC (2015)
"Inferior". Just using that word indicates the underlying prejudices you have. I guess I can also say males on average are morally inferior to females loool. - EJC JKG (2015)
Are you hurt because I called a spade a spade? Are you saying women are generally superior in strength in comparison to men? IF that was the case, I'd call men inferior to women...calling a spade a spade. But then we have proof all over earth that it is NOT the case. - FlameMammoth Christine Donato (2014)
It's not sexist to state a biological fact. You are delusional if you cannot accept the reality that on average, men are much stronger, faster, and more athletic than women. - Patrick R Christine Donato (2014)
the truth hurts, ay? - Unknown Christine Donato (2014)
you have no idea what sexism is then. - Anthony909 Christine Donato (2014)
What exactly about it do you find sexist? Serious question. - Andrew Collins Christine Donato (2014)
Sometimes the truth is offensive. - Biscuit Guy Christine Donato (2014)
Why? Elaborate! - IJK (2014)
Probably just about any male tennis pro will have no problems beating the top female tennis player. The differences are just too big. I amazed every time I watch a tennis match between two top female players at how slow they are moving and reacting. - Niftykettles (2014)
The thing I found most astounding is that people are actually surprised by this. - Neon Arroyo Niftykettles (2015)
I am male and really find some of the comments in this posting (forgive me I am NOT pc savvy and do NOT have perfect English) to be void of respect and value for people - specifically women. Some comments seem to intimate men tend to be stronger - SO THEY ARE BETTER. This is untrue (that men might be better) and socially irresponsible as it disrespects and devalues women. It is scientifically proven that women are genetically predisposed to managing their energy reserves, in ultra-marathon type sports BETTER than men. Beating men (and women) in 12 hr cycling competitions, swimming the English channel, etc.... Women have beaten men in ultra-marathons (I believe they are 135 mile races); winning these races more than once. It is also scientifically proven that women are genetically predisposed to having better aim then men - archery, shooting sports, etc... I believe that archery and shooting sports are some of the first mixed-gender sports and sports where women and men competed head-to-head. This is because the male brain draws on a small area that controls aim. The female brain draws off of numerous areas simultaneously (I believe 5 areas but not sure exactly how many) that control aim. I've seen these articles about areas where women tend to be superior to men at ALL levels of competition, in my online searches. They are fascinating. I have yet to see a blog where a man (or woman) used this information to point out these weaknesses, inherent in men, NOR to intimate that women just might be superior to men. I am not happy with the tone of disrespect and devaluation of women in many of the comments in this discussion. Because African-American women icons, like the Williams sisters, are my heroes and my inspiration to do and be better; I simply find some of the heartless comments about them to be the consummate manifestation of disrespect to women AND African-Americans. I know that people can be more caring, thoughtful and humane in their comments. I hope they find the inspiration to do the hard work, necessary to become men and women of higher moral strength than to comment like this again. - Mike Stanley Neon Arroyo (2015)
You whole post is so non-factual that it deserves the label fiction.
Women were never better than men in long endurance sports and will never be. The difference is somewhat smaller than in Olympic disciplines, and women occasionally finish in top 5 or even sometimes win the events, but still they are largely inferior to men and that is a proven scientific fact. The part regarding archery is also totally fictional, more specifically your explanation of aim control (it really looks like it came from a women magazine instead of some scientific study). Btw. there are also other competition circuits that don't include at all strength or endurance and there still a huge gap between men and women remains - chess, bridge, computer games, etc... - Raunak G Mike Stanley (2016)
Women are simply not obsessed with these games the way men are...u can see most women playing bridges just as a way to socialize & not seriously...the few women who have tried their hand at these seriously & professionally have done very well.One famous example is Judith polgar who has beat all male chess champs she played( including gary kasparov & v.anand) many other women have been GM(& not just WGM) computer games the number of girls & middle aged women have increased & they perform excellently..for more women to do better in these games at world class levels we need to increase the number of women participating right from the grassroot level..encouraging & motivating can bring about interest,confidence & even rekindle their passion & we can see more of them letting themselves a chance & yes..creating world records.. - Khanski Raunak G (2016)
The Polgar/Kasparov match was only one 25 minute speed game. To believe that males should always win every game is ridiculous. She is a great player who barely cracks the top 100 current chess masters, and so it goes. - Raunak Khanski (2016)
"Polgár is the only woman to have won a game against a reigning world number one player, and has defeated eleven current or former world champions in either rapid or classical chess: Magnus Carlsen, Anatoly Karpov, Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Boris Spassky, Vasily Smyslov, Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand, Ruslan Ponomariov, Alexander Khalifman, and Rustam Kasimdzhanov. Kasparov expressed doubts at one point: "She has fantastic chess talent, but she is, after all, a woman. It all comes down to the imperfections of the feminine psyche. No woman can sustain a prolonged battle." Later in life, however, Kasparov revised his opinion: "The Polgars showed that there are no inherent limitations to their aptitude—an idea that many male players refused to accept until they had unceremoniously been crushed by a twelve-year-old with a ponytail." Polgár has rarely played in women's-specific tournaments or divisions and has never competed for the Women's World Championship: "I always say that women should have the self-confidence that they are as good as male players, but only if they are willing to work and take it seriously as much as male players." "These other girls are not serious about chess...I practice five or six hours a day, but they get distracted by cooking and work around the house."Polgar has surpassed the 2700 Elo rating barrier, reaching a career peak rating of 2735 and peak world ranking of No. 8, both achieved in 2005.(souce:her wikipedia).On 13 August 2014, she announced her 'retirement' from competitive chess(&in 2015, she was elected as the new captain and head coach of the Hungarian national men's team) & that is the reason why u dont see her on the current rankings. - Guest Raunak (2016)
She beat him once in a speed game. He trounced her over 10 other times. She never came close to the men. - Raunak G Guest (2016)
She beat them all(the names i mentioned)..Look it up on the net.Its everywhere. If u hate women so much that u cant accept facts & real incidents & use boring sexist techniques to prove them wrong y dont u just go away. I have seen ur replies to other comments as well & u seem nothing more than a troll. - Vincent R (2014)
Two sports women could kill men are extreme long-distance swimming and 100mile long distance running. - Ashley (2015)
actually, women have a lot of potential to be better in sports then men. tho physical raw strength is an obstacle, most sports are mental especially tennis. However, the matter of fact is women have been surpressed by men for thousands of years, therefore making females inferior. its only been a short time where the ball and chain have been removed. it may take a while but women will do great things given the opportunity, regardless of what sports men have developed. - Sam Goodwin ashley (2015)
You must be trolling. There is just no way you can be serious. Women do not have the potential to be better in sports than men. Physical ability is the ONLY obstacle women have, there is no other angle. Men are stronger, faster, more accurate, have better reflexes, etc. Men have a biological advantage in every category required to be good at sports. It's not sexism, it's sexual dimorphism. It's how the human species evolved and survived. Sports are physical and therefore better suit males who evolved to be hunters and protectors. Stop with this oppressed rubbish. - BenDoverUranus ashley (2016)
men suppressed women? What are you talking about!? - Randacious (2020)
A whole lot of sexism here. First men in general are stronger than women as a collective whole. However an individual woman can be stronger than an individual man. The strongest of the strong are going to be men but there are outliers and the average LPGA player is going to be the male golfer who plays a couple of times a month just for fun and she will usually outdrive him as well. - Damien Sullivan (2020)
There's a very simple solution to the debate. If any women tennis players think they can compete successfully with the men, then have them join the ATP tour. if that happened how many of them would make even the qualifying rounds of ANY men's tournament? I suggest none. Less talk and more action - prove me wrong.. (Yes I l know that rules currently don't allow for this to happen, but exceptions can be made and a few years ago permission was given to the top woman golfer to play in a men's tournament - she didn't make the cut,as expected) - Elagularda Fonescu (2019)
I wonder about the Helen Wills battle of sexes matches. There is nothing but bare results to be found about them. Were they taken seriously? Why no big deal has ever been made out of this? - Ice (2018)
wow, not only that the article isn't good and the poor men have to proof themselves how amazing they are. also one women is commenting and tons of men freaking out. well guys, you're still privileged and can't even handle a womens opinion. - Bambooki (2018)
Helen Wills Moody dind't beat a professional tennis player, rather an amateur tennis player { Phil Neer } Neer was the eighth ranked American male player at the time but in an AMATEUR american ranking - He never progressed beyond R3 in the
US Championships: - 1921 lost in R3
1922 withdrew without playing
1923 lost R2
1926 lost R1
1929 lost R2
1930 lost R2 (bye in R1) - He was ranked 8th in a small pool of players, usually tennis coaches, who played in rather limited tours/tournaments. is not comparable, this was equivalent to a profesional men tennis player in the pos. 500 in the world rankings it would be impossible to Helen Wills Moody win against a professional men bille jean vs bobby riggs, he was too old and out of form, if billie jean could beat professional men, why she didnt played against Nastase, Vilas, Ken Rosewall Jimmy Connors, i know the question, because scores would be 6-0 6-0 6-0 against her. Phil Neer vs Helen is not a good sample Billie Jean vs Bobby riggs is not a good sample GOOD sample would be Serena VS Federer, Murray, Nadal, etc
- TC (2016)
easy easy solution...put both them and the money in mixed tournament[s] and no more talking just tennis. [of course tv will complain as ratings fall in mixed, but its only money right? - Jajascoming (2015)
Ive never seen so many replys to any one comment. There were about 25 replys to Liz Young's comment but all of them were in disagreement....not sure what that means. WAITING TO BE APPROVED, EH? APPROVE THIS GUYS! - I am Bob (2015)
Serena Williams has humongous power and bigger biceps than than both Djokovic, Federer and close to Nadal. - Sidney (2015)
The majority of men on this planet would beat the majority of women on this planet if we all decided to take on each other at a variety of sports.
Even non physical sports like billiards/darts you'll find the men will overall be more skilful than women.
At the top level of sports and at amateur level, men will always mostly win. - Raunak G Sidney (2016)
I dont agree with the non physical sports part.skillfulness totally depends on the individual.there are less women participating so overall less women win..other factors can be lack of,proper instructors,sponsorship,practice,role models etc.Chess queen judith polgar has beaten all the men champs (look it up) - Raunak G Guest (2016)
And it doesnt matter if u think these are the facts..bcoz they are not. - Afiq (2014)
Serena have said to david letterman that she refused to play Andy Murray because she don't want the match to be a joke. She admittedly admit the men are physically stronger. I guess Serena learn her lesson in 99 and I guess that Murray match was just supposedly to be for fun. But I don't take anything from womens tennis. When u see two women playing on the tennis court it doesn't look that much of a difference then men. Great shots happens regardless of gender and I would say Venus vs Davenport Wimbledon 2005 is just as good as Federer vs Nadal Wimbledon 08. In fact I kind of like womens tennis more then men because they had more dramas. - Elt100 (2014)
I'm a golf player and fan. While the men are longer all through the bag, I think the ladies are better with the wedges, better around the greens, and are better putters. So, if we keep the courses to around 6,000 yards, I think we would have great competition between the sexes... - Hahahah elt100 (2015)
You can't be serious.... Do you know what professional male golfers would do to a 6000 yard course??? They would be hitting SW on every par 4 and a 6 iron or less onto every par 5 for their second shot. They most certainly are not better putter or wedge players (Spieth makes 25% of every 20 footer, and how many wedges has Zach Johnson holed out from 100?) - Elt100 Hahahah (2015)
True enough; short courses on the Tour usually get shredded; you'd have guys driving par-5s. There really isn't any way to equalize. I have played with pros, though, and I still feel that the ladies have the better touch right around the greens. - Merle (2016)
What about in 1933 Phil Neer vs Helen Wills? "Though Neer was only 32, Wills won the match 6–3, 6–4." From wikipedia. This article seems biased cos it only mentions one women's win - the famous one. Hardly a complete "history".
Also Djokovic and Li and she won but it was "a lighthearted contest". - Rob Admin Merle (2016)
Thanks for the info, I was unaware of these other matches - Tout venant (2016)
Even in Chess, Go, do better... Anything that implies competition... "Women can be extremely good and talented, even better than most men" Yes, as long as they are not required to win anything more than a rigged feminist trial, they are as good as men. - Joe Ruck (2015)
Whats funny is that you guys are fighting over whos stronger and faster? Men or women? When a womans true strength, which will overcome ANY man and has destroyed plenty a civilization, is sexuality and treachery. Now dont get me wrong not all women are treacherous, but ALL women ugly or attractive use their femininity to their advantage and since recorded history (true or not-adam and eve) have led men AND society to ruin. I love my mom and sis, but facts are facts. Women cry for equal pay for the same job, but once they get it,some cry" i cant do that, that's a man's job. Some of you might get annoyed about what I'm saying, but you know I'm right. Its the way of the world. - FightTheNWO (2014)
The Williams are lady boys fooling the whole world they are women. I know what women are and they most certainly are not! Look at the neck, head, hands and hips. They have the geometry of men. Any anatomist will tell you this. Even body builders cannot alter their DNA so as to morph into a man. They've fooled the whole world. They're not ugly. They're just transgenders and need to come clean. Maybe in the future there may be LGBT sports they can compete in. I just feel for the real honest women who have been robbed of their titles by these two. Trouble is when their gender is questioned they will play the race card which kills any debate or discussion such is the world we live in.