It is important to conduct skill testing in addition to fitness testing to determine the skill level of the player, so appropriate skill drills can be incorporated into the training sessions, and possibly individualized training for those lacking certain skills. There are some standard soccer skills tests and also many other variations that coaches around the world use.

Skills to Assess
There are many skills that make up the skill set of a successful football player. Some of the skills are more important for certain player positions, and there are additional skills that a goalkeeper will require. Important skills to test include:
- Dribbling
- Shooting
- Trapping / passing
Soccer Skills Test
- Ronaldo Speed Test — a dribbling and shooting speed test
- McDonald Soccer Skill Test — a player kicks a ball against the wall as many times as possible in 30 seconds.
Related Pages
- Fitness Testing for soccer
- Footeval Test — a football (soccer) specific fitness test with one minute intervals incorpoarting ball dribbling.
- coaching soccer
- coaching sport skills
- Fitness for Soccer