The world's most popular sport has been played around the world for a long time. There is no clear documentation stating where and when the sport of association football (soccer) first began. However, most historians agree that a similar type of ball game has been played for at least 3000 years.
Before the modern game of Association Football developed in England, the origins of the game can be seen in games played in China, Japan, Egypt, Greece.
Here is a brief outline of some of the events that have shaped the game of soccer throughout history.
A Football Timeline
5000-300 B.C. | There is evidence in China that military forces around 2nd and 3rd century BC (Han Dynasty) played a game, originally named "Tsu Chu", that involved kicking a leather ball stuffed with fur into a small hole. Like Soccer, no hands were permitted during the play of the game. |
2500 B.C | There was possibly a version of a type of ball game played by young women in Egypt during the age of Baqet III, as images of this sport were depicted on his tomb, though there is not much known of this sport except that it was played with a ball. |
1000 B.C. | The Japanese version of 'soccer' was called Kemari, a game much like modern hacky sack, played with two to twelve players, and played a larger ball stuffed with sawdust. There was also a field designated by four trees (cherry, maple, pine and willow). |
B.C. | In ancient Greece, they played a game called Episkyros, in which two equal numbered teams would try to throw the ball over the heads of the other team. There was a white line between the teams and another white line behind each team. Teams would change the ball often until one of the team was forced behind the line at their end. |
50 B.C. | China's Tsu Chu players and Japan's Kemari players were the first to have an "International" game of their versions of soccer, believed to have occurred roughly 50 B.C.. There is a definite date of such a game occurring in 611 A.D. |
600 - 1600 A.D. | In Mexico & Central America the rubber ball was created, and used in a game on a recessed court 40-50 feet long shaped like a capital "I". In the middle of each wall, was a mounted stone or wooden ring and the object was to project the hard rubber ball through the ring. |
700s | The first Football games played in Britain was between the locals of east of England, starting after a 'legendary' game that involved kicking around the severed head of a Danish prince that they had defeated in a war. These games were violent, where injury and death were not uncommon |
1331 | Despite the violence of these celebratory games, they were still popular. This led King Edward III of England to pass laws in 1331 to stop the game |
1424 | King James I of Scotland also passed a law banning the game |
1500 | In Italy they played a game called "calcio" with teams of 27+ people. The game involved kicking, carrying or passing a ball across a goal line. In 1580, Giovanni Bardi published a set of rules of the game of calcio. |
1572 | Queen Elizabeth I of England, enacted laws that could sentence a football player to jail for a week followed by penance in a church. |
1600 | In Alaska and Canada the native Eskimos played a game called aqsaqtuk on ice, using balls stuffed with grass, caribou hair, and moss. One legend tells of two villages playing against each other with goals 10 miles apart. |
1605 | Football became legal again in England |
1620 | In North America, native American Indians in the original Jamestown settlement played a game called pasuckuakohowog, meaning "they gather to play ball with the foot." It was a rough game, played the beach, the field a half-mile wide with goals 1 mile apart, with as many as 1000 players at a time. |
1815 | Eton College of England established a set of rules for the games. |
1820 | In the USA, football was played among the Northeastern universities and colleges of Harvard, Princeton, Amherst and Brown. |
1848 | The rules were further standardized and a new version was adopted by all the schools, college and universities, known as the Cambridge Rules. |
1862 | The first soccer club formed anywhere outside of England was the Oneida Football Club, Boston USA. |
1863 | October 26 of 1863, the Football Association was formed when eleven London schools and clubs came together at the Freemason's Tavern to establish a single set of rules to administer any football match that were to be played among them. On December 8 1863, Association Football and Rugby Football finally split into two different organizations. Later in the year, the first-ever soccer match was played on Barnes common at Mortlake, London on 19th December 1863 between Barnes Football Club and Richmond Football Club. The game ended in a 0-0 draw. |
1869 | The Football Association rules were further amended to exclude any handling of the ball. |
1872 | The first official international football match was played, between the national teams of Scotland and England, played in Glasgow Scotland. The game was played on 30 November 1872, and finished with a 0-0 draw. |
1883 | The four British associations agreed on a uniform code and formed the International Football Association Board. |
1885 | The first international match played by teams outside of Great Britain was between USA and Canada, played in Newark and ended with Canada winning 1-0. |
1888 | Introduction of the penalty kick. |
1900 | Soccer played at the Olympic Games for the first time |
1904 | Establishment of FIFA by delegates from France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland at a meeting in Paris on the 21st of May. |
1930 | In 1930, The Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) held soccer's first World Cup tournament in Montevideo, Uruguay, with 13 teams. |
1932 | Soccer was taken off the program for the Olympic Games in Los Angeles, due to a controversy between FIFA and the IOC over the definition of amateur and the reluctance of many strong soccer countries to travel to the US because of the expense involved. |
1991 | The inaugural Women's World Cup in 1991 in China was won by the United States |
1996 | The American women's team won the first-ever women's soccer event at the Olympics. |
Related Pages
- History of the FIFA World Cup
- History of the Copa America
- History of the Ballon d'Or
- History of Sports
- List of winners of football players of the year

Old Comments
Commenting is closed on this page, though you can read some previous comments below which may answer some of your questions.
- England gave soccer it's name. Nichalas (2018)
- so who invented soccer? Colby (2013)
- Well like it says we don't know but you could say Britain did. JJEshelman colby (2013)
- well i think china did but it just had a different name for it and the rules just changed a bit. Cindy JJEshelman (2014)
- it was china. Greece, Rome, and Central America claimed to have invented soccer. While England transitioned soccer into what it is today. Promise Udoh colby (2017)
- Tsu chu, is what the Chinese called it. They are believed to have been the first to play the game we now call soccer/football. But many others lay claim to be the first as well. Including Japan and Greece. The first legendary football game played in England was done so using the severed head of a Danish Prince! Don colby (2016)
- i need help i have no clue who changed the soccer rules but thanx to who ever wrote this i know found the answer:) Gisselle Barcenas (2013)
- very helpful but who invented soccer. Himomma (2013)
- it was china that first invented soccer or in other countries, futball. england then took over. Connor himomma (2016)
- I feel bad for the person who said they were stuck with writing about this because they don't get to write about something they love or feel inspired by. I personally I choose to write about soccer because I enjoy this sport and I have to write an essay (in which I am vary excited to write) about it then present it to a group of people and although there are some interesting facts on this website none of then helped me in the slightest bit (besides my own enjoy ment) I would probably suggest more recent facts and a bigger description of what happens. Ezra (2014)
- so are you saying that the information stated in the timeline is not valid?? I need dates... Me Ezra (2017)
- This has helped me alot!! Thanks! But who invented soccer? Freckles (2013)
- Im positive China created it because they had the first international game. Lionel Messi (2020)
- What year was soccer made up? BEKFEST (2019)
- Britain did. If they "molded" soccer into what it us, doesnt that mean they made it? Its like tag, chinese invented tag, but britain made the better version, freeze tag. I wish somebody would do this same thing about dodgeball, i have to write an essay on what inventions changed the world. Micah puma (2018)
- who is the author? i need to know asap, because im doing a school paper - ed.
check the link at the base of the page: author info The info needed to cite this page is also listed below. Robert (2018) - When, how and why did Offside come into existence? Toodles Boatski (2018)
- Which country was the first to play soccer? Anthony (2017)
- WHO REALLY INVENTED SOCCER!!! Grayson Hensley (2016)
- Britain invented soccer. TheLegend (2016)
- well china did invent soccer in 1860's Matthew (2016)
- no England started but Britain continued it more then England. Chum chum (2014)
- Umm... isn't England the same as Britain? I mean, same country? Up in the A.M chum chum (2017)
- Who invented football in 2500 bc. Cassie valmond (2014)
- Where did the word "soccer"come from. Why not call it football like they do in the rest of the world. Spike it (2014)
- The term soccer comes from the proper name for the sport, AsSOCiation football. Rob Admin Spike it (2014)
- There is Football and soccer. soccer is not Football. Yeet Spike it (2020)
- Has a goalie ever thrown or kicked the ball the length of the field and scored? Ann C (2014) - ed. It has been done before, but I don't think it has ever happened at the World Cup
- this is terrible, i want who invented soccer without all of this other stuff poping up. Makenna (2015)
- wow 5000-300 bc that is a long time ago. Skully (2014)
- Hello! This site is really helpful do you know what was the first soccer team ever created and who invented soccer? Isaiah skully (2016)