Equipment Required: none, just yourself and a nice stretch of beach
- Stand with your legs approximately shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outwards.
- Place you hands either on your hips or held out in front.
- Squat as if you were going to sit on a chair, leaning into your heels, until your thighs are parallel to the sand level.
- Using your thighs and butt, push yourself back up to the starting position.
- Repeat 10 times.
Key points to remember
- Warm up before any exercise program. At the beach, a run and some stretches is a good way to start.
- Throughout the exercise, keep your chest out, your midsection firm and head facing forwards.
- If it is sunny, don't forget to cover yourself up with a hat or some sunscreen. If it is hot, be sure to drink lots of water to stay well hydrated.
- You can increase the intensity of this exercise by filling buckets or jugs with sand or water to make some dumbbells, and holding these in your hands.
Related Pages
- Squat exercise at home
- Squats with dumbbells
- Gym squat technique
- Bodyweight Squats
- More fitness at the beach
- Squats during pregnancy
- Are squats bad for your knees? - the squat myth