You need to be very careful with some exercises as they can cause more harm than good. How do you know which exercises you are performing are safe? Here are some potentially dangerous exercises, or other exercises that are not now recommended, with suggestions on how they should be done correctly or avoided completely.
- Popular exercises from the past that should be laid to rest
- Good Mornings — an exercise to avoid
- Lat Pull-downs Behind the Neck — an exercise to avoid
- Why You Should be Avoiding the Pec Dec
- Why You Should be Avoiding the Behind the Neck Press
- Why You Should be Avoiding the Deadlift
- Why You Should be Avoiding the Sit-up
- Why You Should be Avoiding the Leg Extension

Related Pages
- If you want exercises that are OK to do, go here.
- Are squats bad for your knees? - the squat myth
- Discussion about fitness exercise technique
- Complete list of fitness exercises