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Run for Charity

Do you want to get fitter, lose weight, compete in a particular race, or run a marathon? Did you know you can achieve all of these, and also help other people at the same time?

You can plan to go in a charity running event. By doing so, you can do something good for yourself, and at the same time, do something good for others - it's a double bonus.

You are helping the charity financially with your entry fee, but also showing your support by physically being there, increasing awareness and raising funds by getting sponsorship. At the same time, you are doing something for yourself by exercising. It’s the best of both worlds, doing something you enjoy and helping other people. 

Whatever the aim of your running program, it is always a challenge to stay motivated. To help with your motivation you need to set some goals. Competing in a charity event can be that goal, it's a great motivational tool.

Now you need to find an event. There are often one or two charity runs in your neighborhood each year, have a look online for a calendar of events. The best kind of charity is the kind that means something to you individually. You can raise money to cure or treat chronic diseases. An example is a fun run or a charity walk to raise funds for medical research for a particular disease that has impacted your life.

a color fun runhaving fun at a color fun run

Instead of constantly thinking you are exercising just to get fitter or lose weight, you are training for the charity event that is a few months away. If you are just starting on your running journey, don't expect to be in perfect shape for the first one. Use it as a transition to longer events. Don't worry if you have not got your fitness up and won't be able to run the whole distance. As you will see, there are a lot of people simply walking these events.

Of course, you can do a local event, but it’s even more fun to plan a little vacation getaway around it.  Spend a couple of nights in your favorite city and take in some sights.

Why not find a partner, train and enter the event together. Having a partner to train and compete with is further motivation.

Why not give it a shot?  There’s no better way to achieve a healthier lifestyle.  Especially, when you’re helping charities all around the world.  So, get out there. If not for yourself, do it for those who cannot. 

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