Exercise physiology is a relatively new science, with beginnings in the late 19th century. There is not much information documented about the origins of human assessment and exercise testing in a sporting context.
The names of the pioneers and scientific groups are associated with specific tests, such as the Harvard step test, and the Cooper, Sargent and Bruce tests. Where did they start and what are the significance of these in terms of the history of this area of exercise science? In this section of the fitness testing website I hope to detail some of the pioneers in this significant area of science.
Here are some profiles of the pioneers in exercise testing:
- Dudley Sargent — a fitness pioneer who worked at Harvard early last century
- Kevin Sykes — developer of the Chester Step Test
- Kenneth Cooper — the father of "Aerobics"
- Per-Olof Åstrand — developed the Åstrand-Rhyming Cycle Test
- Robert A. Bruce — developer of the standardized treadmill test for diagnosing and evaluating heart and lung diseases.
- Jens Bangsbo — soccer physiologist who developed the yo-yo series of tests.
- Carmelo Bosco — developed the Bosco leg power tests.
- Francesco Conconi — controversial sport scientist who developed the Conconi Test.
Related Pages
- History of Sport
- List of Fitness Tests
- New (and unvalidated) fitness tests
- Becoming an exercise physiologist