There is a range of fitness tests using cycling as the primary exercise mode. Such tests are not just for fitness testing cycling athletes. The cycle ergometer or bicycle is a non-weight bearing mode of exercise that is suitable for many fitness tests and athletes. Here is a list of both maximal and submaximal aerobic tests using cycling exercise mode, as well as leg strength and power tests.
Aerobic Cycling Tests
- Cycling Maximal Oxygen Consumption Test (VO2max) — a maximal exercise test to measure VO2max while riding a cycle ergometer.
- Astrand-Rhyming Bicycle Ergometer Test — a submaximal aerobic fitness test on a cycle ergometer.
- YMCA Cycle ergometer submaximal test — a submaximal aerobic fitness test on a cycle ergometer.
- PWC170 Test — - a submaximal aerobic fitness test on a cycle ergometer.
- Tri-level aerobic test — a submaximal aerobic fitness test on a cycle ergometer.
- 2km time trial — a set distance cycling endurance test.
- 12-minute cycling test — cycle for maximum distance in 12 minutes.
- 5km cycle ergometer test — 5000m in the shortest possible time.

Anaerobic Cycling Tests
- 10 & 30-second tri-level cycle test of leg power.
- Wingate Cycle Test — a cycle test of anaerobic leg power, maximal effort over 30 seconds.
- 40 m cycle sprint — maximal cycling speed test.
- Cycling Repeat Sprint Test — a cycle test of anaerobic capacity, involving 5 x 6 second efforts.
Related Pages
- Fitness testing for cyclists — an example testing regime for cyclists
- Anthropometry for cycling
- About the sport of cycling
- List of Testing Equipment
- Fitness tests sorted by exercise mode including Treadmill fitness tests
- Sport specific fitness tests