Sports officials are needed in all types of games or competitions. Sports Officials implement and explain the rules and decisions. They ensure that all the sports rules and regulations will be followed accordingly.

Education Requirements for Sports Official?
Some places require a high school diploma, while others do not require any formal education. There are some states that require experience, state registration and professional certifications. No college majors or educational programs are needed for this type of job.
The Job Description
The Sports Officials are called the "third team" on the field. They officiate at sports events. They ensure that everyone plays by the rules. They need to be physically fit to keep up with the sports athletes that they are officiating. Further, since this job requires the best possible judgment, a healthy mind and a healthy body are required. A Sports official can work as a referee, umpire, linesman, back judge or a line judge.
The Job Requirements
A Sports Official needs to be assertive, aggressive, honest, alert, confident, physically fit and consistent with every decision. A Sports Official should have enough knowledge of the chosen sport, excellent vision, and good communication skills.
Work Environment
Sports officials work indoors and outdoors. They work in all types of weather. The working hours depend on the game they are officiating.
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