A Sports Administrator is a person responsible for managing associations and sports club. They promote sport, review and discuss the rules and structure of the sport and obtains a corporate sponsorship. Their mission is to achieve their goals for the association they are working for.
Job Description
A Sports Administrator supervises the office, facility and program and identify their needs. A Sports Coordinator develops programs, short and long-term goal for the sport they are handling. Additionally, A Sports Administrator is someone who plans and organize the sport and its related events, secure funds, reports important details to government agencies and the one who conducts research for the current needs of members and fans. The possible employment opportunities include facility manager, high school coach, Event Coordinator, Sports Camp Director and Assistant Athletic Director.
Job Requirements
A qualified Sports Administrator must have good managerial skills, good communication and interpersonal skills and must be able to handle work under pressure. Strong interest in sports is very important.
Example Courses
- Sports Management courses Manchester Metropolitian University. Link
Education Requirements for a Sports Administrator
A high school degree program is the initial requirement. A 4-year bachelor's degree course in Sports Administration should be earned. In addition, there are also Universities and Colleges offering Master's degree program. A person who is more talented in management and organization, rather than sports is the best candidate for this job.
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