There will be 32 sports on the program for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Since the 2020 Games breakdancing has been added, while karate and baseball/softball removed. There are actually many more sporting disciplines, and I have listed many of them (e.g. the sport of aquatics includes swimming, diving, water polo and synchronized swimming, gymnastics has artistic and rhythmic disciplines etc.). What is your favorite out of them all?
If you don't like any of the sports on the program, there is also the final option of 'none of the above'. You can see what was voted the favorite sport for the previous Olympics in 2012, 2016, and 2020. Also check out the poll on your favorite Winter Olympic Games sport.
Disclaimer: This poll is not scientific and reflects only the opinion of visitors to this website who have chosen to participate.
Related Pages
- What sport don't you like? Vote for your Least Favorite Summer Olympic Games sport?
- More Olympic Games Polls
- A discussion about what is the most popular Olympic Sport?
- List of all Summer Olympic Games Sports
- See also the poll about your favorite Winter Olympic Games sport
- List of Sports and Fitness Polls

Old Comments
Commenting is closed on this page, though you can read some previous comments below which may answer some of your questions.
- Mary (2016)
The general public watches the sports they can relate to and participated in during middle school, high school, or college. Or they will watch the athletes wearing the least amount of clothing. I think show jumping, eventing are certainly daredevil enough for the masses and Freestyle Dressage maybe entertaining enough as well, but it boils down to educating the general public about what's obvious in the athleticism, agelessnes, and gender neutral competitor's that makes Equestrians in the Olympics a standard to achieve not to dismiss. Don't forget that sadly even in the Olympics corporations are running the show where politics and economics make major decisions. - Ali (2016)
Not quite sure why it's so hard to believe that equestrian is so popular... Badminton cross country day horse trials is the most attended sporting day in the WORLD after NASCAR.... Just have a look at what's trending on social media when one of the equestrian Olympic events is going on... We'll have it trending at least 4th in the world. And you say it's not popular? Hhhhmmm.. I sense a little bit of prejudice. - Phoenix (2016)
Equestrian sports are the only Olympic sports in which competitors of both sexes and any age from 18 upwards compete against each other on equal terms. No sexism or ageism in equestrian, just the skill and courage demonstrated in the partnership between rider and horse. - Alison Sutton (2016)
#TwoHearts. Nothing beats that partnership, and in no other sport do men and women compete equally against each other. #JoinTheJourney. - Erica Franz (2016)
As an equestrian, the Equestrian Games are my least favorite because the rules are not being followed in judging and the training of horses more often than not includes abusive methods endorsed by the FEI (organization that governs international competition in equestrian sports). - Nadya Erica Franz (2016)
These judges are the same judges flown all around the world at other 5* events, following the same rules by the book. And you have picked out an issue with a select few 'trainers', who have been reprimanded by the FEI for their cruelty to their animals. Don't use generalisations in an uneducated and miss directed comment, it only makes you look bad. - Erica Franz Nadya (2016)
If these trainers have been reprimanded by the FEI please share the details of that because I'm completely unaware of any reprimands the FEI have given out to these trainers. Those same judges have awarded the trainers and riders who are using Rollkur/LDR. Riders like Anky van Grunsven, Edward Gal, Adelinde Cornelissen, Patrik Kittel, Nicole Uphoff, Isabell Werth, and the list goes on. Nothing about my comment was uneducated or misdirected. - Yannick (2016)
equestrian fans are very very fan of their sport and very afraid that it could be off the next olympic games ;it is not hacked!!!!! - Rob Admin yannick (2016)
I'm thinking of renaming the poll "Which sports fans are the most passionate?" - Marina (2016)
Tu ne connais pas l'équitation Française... EQUESTRIAN - Rotjeknor (2016)
I'd like to know how 'official' this poll is? Is this information that the Olympic committee asked you to undertake or is this your own initiative? - Rob Admin Rotjeknor (2016)
It is just a fun poll I made up, not endorsed by the IOC at all! There would be a much more scientific and accurate way of determining the most popular sport. See this webpage for other ways of looking at the most popular Olympic sport. - Heather (2016)
Yesterday equestrian had over 8000 votes! What happened to them? We are passionate about our sport and want it to remain olympic you can't just delete over 7000 of our votes! - Gail (2016)
This poll is misleading, the headline in big print asks what is your favorite Olympic sport; however the small print question is which is your least favorite Olympic sport. My vote for equestrian was for my FAVORITE SPORT not my least, as I suspect were many others votes. - Rob Admin Gail (2016)
Oops, sorry that was a typo (now corrected). Yes, it is a poll for your favorite Olympic sport. The poll has also been hijacked by equestrian fans, as I am sure it is not the most popular sport at the Olympics within the general population. - Elevage De Fay Rob (2016)
You don't want equestrian be the most popular sport and you delete votes and comments, shame on you! - Rob Admin Elevage De Fay (2016)
If someone posts on a popular facebook page encouraging equestrian fans to go and vote on this poll, I would not be surprised if equestrian gets an unusually high number and non representative number of votes. - Elevage De Fay Rob (2016)
No, the poll has not been hijacked by equestrians fan, can't you just imagine it's REALLY a very popular sport ??? If you don't want to see some sport take the first place, don't make a poll !!! - Rob Admin Elevage De Fay (2016)
An online poll is just one way at looking at the most popular Olympic sport, see this webpage for other views. Depending on how you measure it, football, athletics, swimming, gymnastics and volleyball have all been listed as the most popular sport. Unsurprisingly equestrian has not. - Justine Ox Rob (2016)
Hello Rob do you know that in France Equestrian is the third sport the most practiced ?? - TwinkleIreland Rob (2016)
How can you be sure for sure.? In other words 'your' poll is only a poll of those who saw it and who bothered to answer it. And you now say you won't believe that answer anyway. So its basicslly a waste of everyone's time except for your self promotion !!! - Rachel Rob (2016)
Hijacked is hardly a fair comment! This is an open poll distributed via social media therefore anyone is free to share as they see fit. Just because the equestrian community has joined together in sharing and voting does not mean we have 'hijacked' the poll, it shows that we are passionate about keeping our sport in the Olympics. From looking at the results so far it would appear fans of the other sports have not bothered to vote so maybe they're not as popular as you may have anticipated. - Renegadegirl Rob (2016)
cool fact about equestrian sports--it's the only olympic event where women and men compete against each other. Also, since late 90s all gold medalists in equestrian events in olympics have been women. #TwoHearts - Josée Larose Rob (2016)
Rob, you need to have an objective point of view, you are not being scientific at all with this comment. If you do not believe in the results your poll is yielding, you must delete it, that is all, no reason to be mean and unfair to people who wan to participate in your poll! - Little Paper Stars Rob (2016)
It's unfair to say that. Horse riding is one of the Uk's most popular past times, why shouldn't it lead in the poll? - Djozett Rob (2016)
And why equestrian wouldnt be the most popular sport at the Olympics ? May be it is not your favourite, but we do not want to know YOUR favourite. You MUST respect the results. - Rob Admin Djozett (2016)
Equestrian is also doing well in my other poll - What is your least favorite Summer Olympic Games sport? - Sophie Dubbeld Rob (2016)
and why did you say that ? did you know, for exemple, that in france, it is the third federation ? don't propose a poll, if you are not agree with the answer. this is cheating. with that kind of thinking, you can began it again until you have YOUR sport in favorite . - Rob Admin Sophie Dubbeld (2016)
Some people had voted more than once, so I fixed that up. You'll be glad to see that equestrian is back as the most popular Olympic sport.