Here are some commonly asked questions and their answers for general questions about this website. For more questions about specific topics see the other FAQs (listed under more information below).
- Can I use your website information in my assignment?
- How do I reference information from this site
- Where can I find some more information?
Can I use your website information in my assignment?
Generally you can. For more details and for all copyright information, go here
How do I reference information from this site?
You can use this general reference style and insert the correct date, or change the details to reflect the specific page your are referring to. Here is an example. For more information, see the citing this website.
Wood, R. J. (2005). Title of Page. Retrieved month day, year, from Rob's Home of Fitness Testing <>
Where can I find some more information?
- There are several options if you require some information about sports, fitness and nutrition:
- First you should search this site to make sure the information is not somewhere already on the site.
- There are more FAQ pages
- If you need to contact me directly, you can contact me via my feedback page.
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